"This is no nostalgia trip or return to some golden jazz age. When put into the context of Euro nu-jazz, something like Scandinavian Tango (as in Scandango) is almost revolutionary" - Bill Siegel
GBSJ is an open and travelling modern jazz project, inspired by the Synaesthesia phenomena. This could be defined as an emotional experience that provoques a confusion of the senses, a confluence and mutual intermingling of different sensory inputs: can one taste a colour? Can one touch a scent? Can one see the sound of the music?...It is not a coincidence that the music of this project seems to translate emotional states generated by a multitude of sensations in a fresh and innovative jazz language, which winds between various musical influences, involving an alive backround where is possible to feel latin, mediterranean and scandinavian moods, all trapped into a matrix of modern jazz.
Trumpet - Alto Sax - Piano - Upright Bass - Drums
Alto Sax - Piano - Upright Bass - Drums
"I believe that this is the definitive version of this piece...the performances are stunning". - Phil Woods
Finisduo, by the saxophonist Gianni Bardaro and the pianist Mauro Patricelli, is an example of the blending of the elements of classical and jazz music. The performance is more than just the juxtaposition of two kinds of music. It requires the performers to embellish the written music as well as improvise at given sections, much in the spirit of jazz and in the true tradition of Baroque music in such a manner that the listener is often unsure where the written music stops and the improvisations take over. Together with works written by Gianni Bardaro and Mauro Patricelli themselves, Finisduo will perform the revised and newly engraved 97 edition of the Alto Sax and Piano Sonata, a "classic" cross-over work by the jazz-legend Phil Woods. The Bardaro – Patricelli Finisduo is based in Copenhagen, where the two musicians met and merged their common cultural roots with their international experience.
Alto Sax - Piano
"Soul Blueprint is full of surprises!...The performances are first rate by everyone concerned!" - Randy Brecker
Critically acclaimed especially stateside, Soul Blueprint is a project that encompasses all the modern ingredients of today's jazz throughout articulated arrangements, built around Gianni Bardaro's originals impregnated with a modern "soulful blueprint". A convergent sonic river made of a wide variety of streams meandering effortlessly through energetic and mellow passages, solos and dialogues that keep the listener hooked throughout.
Trumpet - Alto Sax - Piano - Upright Bass - Drums
Alto Sax - Piano - Upright Bass - Drums
A Heart’s Dream on Earth
Almost universally, ancient texts and traditions have reminded us that we are all connected with the Earth and the changes in the earth. In an age where the existence of a human-nature disconnection in most modern individuals and in modern culture is quite evident, scientists seems to have found proven that the earth field is strictly connected to the human heart field.Based on this, “A Heart’s Dream on Earth” is an experiment to play with such a concept, through the use of electronics and live video interaction.
Gianni Bardaro: AKAI EWI4000S – Saxophones
Francesca Bardaro: Video Interaction
Gianni Bardaro, beside his musical skills is also a certified sound therapist with particular attention to Overtone Singing, an ancient shamanic technique which amplifies the overtones within the human voice, allowing one person to sing two or more notes simultaneously.
The SoundworkerΞ √ Ω L U T ↑ ☼ N is a project that blends these specific frequencies with his musical skills as saxophonist, composer and use of live electronics.
Gianni Bardaro: Ancient instruments, Overtone singing, saxophone, EWI4000S, electronics.
BARDARO - VILLANI ➠ "Unfolding Routes"
"...more great music from Gianni Bardaro and Pierluigi Villani – individually and especially together. In the meantime, enjoy your pudding while it lasts, knowing though there’s surely more from where this came! - Laurence Donohue-Greene
This is the newest running project, brought to manifestation along with co-leader and compatriot drummer Pierluigi Villani. "Unfolding Routes" representing Gianni’s impressive sixth release as leader/co-leader. This follow-up to his strong and critically acclaimed Soul Blueprint, continues an upward trajectory in each the saxman’s playing and composing that beckons for further recognition and appreciation especially stateside.
Alto Sax ➠Gianni Bardaro - Upright Bass/El. Bass ➠ Giorgio Vendola - Drums ➠Pierluigi Villani
Alto Sax ➠Gianni Bardaro - Organ/Synths ➠ Donatello D'attoma - Drums ➠Pierluigi Villani
Alto Sax ➠Gianni Bardaro - Organ ➠ Donatello D'attoma - Upright Bass ➠Giorgio Vendola - Drums ➠Pierluigi Villani
GIANNI BARDARO ➠ The Joint Project (TJP)
The Joint Project (TJP) es el proyecto mas reciente de Gianni Bardaro.
Es un proyecto nuevo e internacional que forma un prisma musical donde conviven y se integran en plena armonía, diferentes perspectivas musicales modernas, de matriz jazzísticas y latinas. El proyecto promueve con composiciones originales, un jazz contemporáneo que no es una típica fusión de diferentes estilos jazzísticos, más bien es una integración de éstos mismos (hard- bop, jazz nórdico, cool jazz, jazz latino y mediterráneos ) donde recuadros musicales estilístico, emergen en los temas y en las improvisaciones de los solistas, produciendo un efecto sinestético en la audiencia. La sesión rítmica del cuarteto es netamente Colombiana, contando con músicos muy activos en la escena jazzística nacional de Colombia. La co-creación entre estos artistas ha prosperado en un viaje artístico aportando a la música del proyecto un carácter dinámico e imprevisible, sugestivo y penetrante.
Alto Sax ➠Gianni Bardaro - Guitar ➠ Brian Vasquez - Contrabass ➠Julian Gomez - Drums ➠Ramon Berrocal
Alto Sax ➠Gianni Bardaro - Trumpet ➠ Pavel Zuzaeta - Guitar ➠ Brian Vasquez - Contrabajo ➠Julian Gomez - Drums ➠Ramon Berrocal